Choice of font and / or background colours.Some good-to-have features on word cloud generators include: I did not attempt to use the last three platforms: Wordle and Tagxedo required some plugins which were not available on my laptop and Tricklar is limited to visualising news content from their site. It may be timely to find out which of the 9 platforms mentioned in the 2 posts are still up and running: Although McGee’s post was entitled “9 best word cloud generators”, only eight platforms were described. but may have been posted in 2017) by Maxwell McGee for a list of popular platforms. I referred to 2 blog posts, 8 best free word cloud creation tools for teachers (November 24, 2013) by Christopher Pappas and The 9 best word cloud generators (n.d. For this post, let’s explore free-to-use web-based platforms that support word cloud generation. In my earlier word cloud post, we looked at a free word cloud app available from the Microsoft store. We can now generate word clouds using Power BI, Tableau, and packages / modules in Python and R. While the popularity of word clouds to visualise word frequency has abated since 2004, its use has not been entirely abandoned. Feature Image: Lincoln’s Gettysburg address visualised using Jason Davies’s Word Cloud Generator